I was sewing in the ends in the car yesterday and by the time we reached the restaurant, the Clapotis is finally (and officialy) done.

It was earlier modelled by Mollie who somehow loves knitting. (too bad she doesn't have a thumb)

The Clapotis' first night out was at the Scarlet's Desire, and I was sipping a Martini with it. So. I think it's going to go out with me quite often.

The size? there you go...

Clapotis was casted on in May and completed in June 2007.
5 balls of Rowan Tapestry in Whirlpool used on 4.5mm Clovers.

ooohhh very pretty :) I made one in a solid turquoise color, I'm thinking of making a varigated one next :)
congratulations! both on finishing the clappy & on your anniversary!!! it looks so gorgeous & luxurious.
Wow!!! Your Clapotis turned out so absolutely beautiful, what a great job you did knitting it up! I love the colorway that you chose - it seems to be the perfect one for this pattern! Congrats on a really great accomplishment!
Nice doggy! Oh, and nice clapotis too! :D
Thanks everyone~! It was great fun knitting this!
I'm thinking of making another one sometime later... Of course using a different yarn and prolly a solid ;)
Gorgeous!!!! Thanks for the good wishes, I'm counting the days till its over.
lovely clapotis!!
Thanks rain~! And Thanks Genevieve! :D
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