The Thuja is still at the leg, but I'm going to be working on the heel soon in 8 rows, which is very soon (probably at the next sitting). The Kimono's up again and i've done the first repeat! - Hooray!!! And the Clapotis is up to the 6th drop stitch so 14 more to go~~ whee....
Meanwhile I met Lois, Cindy and ssedroyesterday for awhile so that we see her before she goes back to twin cities for the summer hols. Cindy passed me all the addis from HK (whoo hoo). I decided that I'd need a box to organize my needles. So here they are in an organized mess.

If you notice the Crystal Palace DPNs are also there :D - which leads me to...
The CTH Green Mountain Madness!

It's driving me Mad because I'm so madly in love with it now even though it's not purple or blue or gray
Green is now my fourth favorite color.

hmm that looks like a very big box.. planning on more needles? :D
the CTH yarn is sooo pretty i really like the blues/greens combi, pity didnt get to see it in person!
Holy Moley that's a LOT of needles! Am totally J hehehe.
Thanks for wishing me for my exams. Hope your exams go really well too =D
Oh my gosh, this yarn is to die for - what an awesome colorway, so calm and beautiful! And yay for the needles - gosh, that's a whole bunch of them indeed! Yay for Addis! ;)
Thanks everyone for the comments :)
I have no idea what sock the CTH will become yet but I'm loving it. As for the needles ... yes yes a bigger box for more Addis indeed! :P
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