Thursday, June 07, 2007


yes yes I completed my Thujas lalala

and i'm now typing very fast and hiding the screen from AS because he suddenly came back in the middle of the night last night and is wondering why I'm so busy so early in the morning

So here they are when I finished them last night...


at 2121hrs too!


I used the kitchener stitch as described on the the techknitting blog. It was really easy!

Kitchener Stitch-ed

Here they are modelled (it looks like it doesn't fit because... it's not for me!)

Modelled Thujas
Thuja from Knitty
Designed by: Bobby Ziegler
Yarn: 2 skeins Sublime Cashmere Merino Silk DK

And the side view (ack fat fat fat! bad angle~~~~)

Modelled Thujas II

On another note my kimono's up to the second repeat~!!

Kimono in Progress ISee the Lifeline?


Unknown said...

get AS to pose k? hehe~

iro iro said...

congrats on your first pair of socks!!!! this is the beginning of a long slippery slope to errr... handpainted sock yarns?

R a i n said...

Awesome! Congrats on finishing them up!

Susan said...

Yay! Happy for you! They look comfortable. You inspire me to start some for my SO.

alt.ayu said...

Thanks everyone~ :) Am looking forward to more socks hehehe