Sunday, December 16, 2007

Somebeady says...

... that if I bead stitch markers I can post it here.

So I have to introduce another three ladies.



Sweet and innocent as Juliet would be. They reminded me of a friend actually who incidentally played Juliet in our mini-play. My first attempt with pearly beads.



Cordelia was the youngest and Lear's favorite. But her frank personality caused her own banishment. This princess I made with gold rings just to try out the effect. I must admit that I was thinking of the Lace Addis when I made them hehehe.



If you'll call me when you're sober...

There are only three here because the fourth flower was defective. I think I'll definitely buy more of them to make a complete set... and consider making earrings out of them too!

There's more beading actually, but you'll have to visit here.


Anonymous said...

ooh....they are gorgeous! can i buy some from you? *insert puppy dog eyes*

TAMmommy said...

Wow! These are supper!
Thank you for sharing!!

I was just wondering around blogger today, as there isn't much to do at work since it's the holidays, and I can't leave and finish my shopping.

I do some crochet/knitting. If you are interested, you can check out my blog, I have a slide show of some of my stuff and links to it all on the web, but the blog is mostly mu journal.

Thanks again for sharing!

Susan said...

ooohhh!! I love the Juliet.