Wednesday, December 12, 2007


I did two sets of these markers yesterday. I know I know, they aren't knitting. But stitch markers are related to knitting right?

Halfway through working I thought they in some ways reminded me of characters I've met in those schooling days. So they shall possess the names of these ladies I so dearly miss. Both the sets have some poignancy and regret in them but hopefully, just like the characters, they are as beautiful in their own special manner.

Old Rose - Miss Kenton

Old Rose

Old Rose

They somehow remind me of Miss Kenton. They seem to exuberate some maturity and yet, are not quite old. Their calm and reserved nature keeping their passion a mystery; and yet there is a little sense of warmth and happiness tinged with that regret.

Delicate Rose - Ophelia

Delicate Rose

Delicate Rose

I actually liked Ophelia's character a lot. And the more I made these, the less I remembered of her tragic end. These made me think of fairness and youth, I was reminded more of her as a young, delicate lady as Arthur Hughes depicted her. Of course her story has a tragic end, and like a rose she wilts and flows away with the stream.

More pictures here.

1 comment:

Kara The Midgie said...

Wow. I think that those are VERY beautiful. :D