But the pattern has attracted me in a different manner, since I usually become drawn to the names of the project. So cast on I shall.

Click on the links to see the full sized pictures.
1. Coquette Side, 2. Coquette Diffused Glow, 3. Coquette in Progress, 4. Coquette Full Frontal
Coquette lace from Stephanie Japel's Fitted Knits was cast on 16 November and completed on 21 November, so to date it's the fastest project I've ever completed regardless of the work I have had to do during the time. This is done with Olympus Cotton Novia with my two favorite needles, Addi Turbos (3.75mm) and Clover Takumi (4mm). The last touch to the finished project was the felted ribbon through the top eyelets.