But I met mlc today for lunch. She brought little Isabel out and the baby was sleeping so very quietly, we weren't interrupted at all! It's good to see them both though, even if it's for a short while. :)
The reason why I met her today (instead of after 23rd Mar which I'm telling everyone) is because mlc sms-ed me yesterday telling me that she wanted to meet cinnabar, and that she's ready to come out to town with baby in tow. So yes, after my language classes would be a good time!
AND of course, my needles came with her!

Ahhh so much excitement!
I'm fighting the urge to start something new. Oh come on, I'm just trying out new needles right?
And btw I do like the new range of colors in Palette. Here's Golden Heather and Calypso Heather (Love the name!) respectively.

I think this started after I received one of the purpl-y heathers from rain during SP11. :)
As usual, mang isn't amused.

The needles looks really cool! How do you like them so far? :D
no pictures of baby isabel? i thought there would be some ^^
Oh wow, eye candy! Yay, you like the Palette hehe.
Mang is so darn cute, I miss Kitty when I see Mang so nonchalant!
hehe, I have the dpns and I've used them already. I really like the weight and the points. The circs feel the same but I haven't started a new project with them yet. (probably soon... hmm :P)
lol no pics of bb cos she was sleeping so soundly! :)
yes i do, esp the new color range which you sent! :P do not be fooled by mang, she can be so cheeky sometimes teehee
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