Of course I was too distracted then to know what it is and totally missed the blinking words 'MATCHA CAKE' (or actually, cookie/biscuit) on the front. The packaging is gorgeous as usual. I can't bear to eat it! :D Thanks Susan!
She also bought me these...

We call them the Camouflage Yarn. And yes they are very 'me'. I haven't any clue what I'd make with them but a good Camo scarf peut-etre?
And of course I got my sock books! Yayy!! Perhaps I'll find something there to solve the sock problem I'm having.

I've already flipped through Knitting on the Road and am already queuing a number of them in my head. I think I need another three pairs of hands to finish all the socks I've queued.
Last but not least my spindles are here~!!!

I tried spinning last night but I think I'm wasting the beautiful roving. So I'm going to think of an alternative. I need to research on drafting, because I don't seem to be doing it correctly. I pinch the roving in places I'm supposed to and try to draft bits of the yarn out. But I always end up having to tug and pull really hard at the roving, which shouldn't be the case! The 'yarn' ended up being thick (like almost worsted) to precariously thin at different parts of it. I also think there's too much spin in the yarn, which makes it wind itself back when it's relaxed. Sigh! That's my start to spinning but no I'm not giving up~!
1 comment:
Hey. Just blog-hopped over. YOu can make the spinning process easier by pre-drafting the fibre prior to spinning. Basically, you fluff the bunch up a little. (Try shaking it out) Then you grab sections by sections and pull it gently till its fluffy and easy to draft, but not too thin. It makes spinning a lot easier.
Fibres usually require pre-drafting because they get squashed during shipping.
Extra tip: when you've pre-drafted a big bunch, they might be quite unmanageable - one long train of fluffy fibre. You can roll it into a ball gently, putting a little twist on it as you go along so the fibre doesn't break that easily when you are spinning it.
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