the cool smooth touch of the Adriatic...
go on,

Phil'Bambou was here today! (or rather i went to meet them)

I was quite surprised at how small the little balls of yarn were. A little smaller than expected. The color was a little more unique then I expected too. But I like this shade even more that what I saw on the Net. I may never knit with them unlike what I planned - simply because it's Phildar and it's call Adriatic.

And as if you can't get enough, here's a lonely Phil'Bambou for you.

Together with Phil', Tapestries were acquired a couple of days back. Just didn't have the time to take pictures or put them up (read: mang, millie and mollie have been popular at my flickr)
There's Whirlpool for Clapotis

Leadmine for the Entrelac Scarf

And Rainbow for my own random act of squirreling yarn. (One more ball isn't that much more expensive... is it?)

More of Tapestries

Finally, I've got home made jam accompanying the Phil', as well as pretty pictures of my beloved Lyon. mmm mmm mmm....

Happy Mum's day to all Mums I know... :)

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