At least I think so.
We had another knit out yesterday and I solved my sock problem - all thanks to Louise! :D

And we also had donuts~~ from the shop that has a neverending queue...

Thanks Lois~~
More photos here.
We trudged to GD again after the session and I was yarn squishing again... Sublime is really nice. *squish*squish*
I tried to finish the gusset for Thuja after dinner but I was really sleepy and not paying attention and the pattern didn't match. So I had to rip it and do the gusset all over again. Then - there was this hole there that didn't disappear. @#&*$
Nevermind. I think I'll do something to it when I'm all done. What's more important is that AS has a PAIR of socks.
Meanwhile work is going to go slower now that I need to do my presentation, term paper, assignment and prep for exams.
argh.. looks like i missed out on a great session : knitting + donuts! what a great combination
me too... looks like i missed a great knit out session... so tied up with work nowadays...argh!!!
don't worry~~ I'm sure we'll have as great a session the next time~~ :)
i wish i were there !!!
hey my company decided to keep me here another week so Susan and I are meeting at starbucks in raffles city on sunday at noon. and if the hole in your sock is where i think it is I can show you how to hide it
Hi there~!
So sorry I couldn't make it on Sunday. It's really been hectic since that day until now. I've just finished one sock and hope to work on the next soon before I lose steam hehe :D Hope you had a good knit session on sunday!
Looks like it was fun!
;) It was~
always great to be knitting with others! :D
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