firstly, there wasn't any knitting done during the Hawaii Week. No knit shopping either. however, I did manage to finish one Needlecraft Mystery (Unraveled Sleeve) and have started on the second (Murderous Yarn). But things are ok, I came back and on the second day we already had a knitout. So I had a chance to rekindle the knit spirit.
We also received our Zephyr that day~ and of course they came in cones.

My choice was actually Ice Blue but I love the other colors as well.

I can't wait to get started on lace projects! (and start I will - as you will find out later.)
We had a great time there winding all the yarn (hahaha) - we kinda looked like a yarn factory. Someone stopped by to ask if we organized the meetup and 'displayed much interest'. He (yes, he.) wondered why we kept looking at the accompanying girl at the table and not really talking to him. I thought i might ask him to do the winding for us. HAHA And here are the yarn cakes

We had a guest at the knitout that day and she's none other that
Louise. She gave us little stitch markers she made herself! They were so cute!! I'll have to take a picture and put them up next time. :)
Oh! We stopped by at Spotlight that day too, to check out the Lion Brand yarns that were new. I got myself Magic Stripes to try out.

Anyways I think I need to update my projects. I don't quite function in chaos, so says the lists person. The Andean Shawl has to go - there's a mistake and I'm thinking the Kimono Shawl would be better suited for the gift. After all I can use the yarn for something else. So here's the Cake.

As for Socks, I'm working on
RPMs and
Thuja now. The Thuja is started to redeem myself for the long long long time i'm taking on the Sweater.
Thuja's worked with Sublime Cashmere Merino Silk DK. The yarn's wonderful to work with and I've got my Clover Takumi DPNs 4.00mm to work with me as well. So things are going ok.
RPMNo picture yetThe RPMs are worked with the Regia yarn I got from my SP. I've got two needles, Addis and the regular Aero. I prefer the Addis of course but I'm a little paranoid about SSS. I hope my Thujas don't suffer from SSS because I have no time to get another set of DPNs...
And since i'm at it.
My Kimono's worked on 3.75mm needles with Elderberry Zephyr. So far I've not started on a single repeat yet hahaha ... :P I'm really far behind the others who have started but ok, it'll come heh.
Alrighty, I think that's about enough updates for now. Have to go back to the
orig blog.