Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Purls of Wisdom

I turn 28 today and I looked at my Yarn Harlot daily calendar... well well well. I admit I could be recovering from Startitis, but what could be more appropriate for yours truly than this Purl of Wisdom:

'You don't have to feel bad if you are the sort of knitter who doesn't finish a lot of stuff. Many of us are in it for the process rather than the product, and this has only to do with personality differences, rather than moral superiority. Sure, it's hard to remember that when other knitters sit smirking in their new sweaters and you are starting your 57th first sock of a pair, but keep this in mind: It's called "knitting" not "sweater-making".'

hahahaha talk about how appropriate things are!


louise said...

Happy Birthday!

Maomao said...

Happy birthday! I hope you have another year full of knitted socks and shawls!

R a i n said...

Haaaaapppyyy Biiiiirrrthhdaaaaaaaaay!!!!!!! I hope you had a fantastic day and here's to fantastic year ahead!!

Jackie said...

Happy Birthday !