Monday, January 19, 2009

First KO in 2009

We had our first KO this year and poor Lois couldn't make it - thanks to a terrible virus. :(

So anyways we took a picture but unfortunately I didn't check it well enough and it turned out a tad blurry.

January 09 KIP

But all that aside, we had a good time and there were a couple of new faces. It was a whole lot of fun and laughter, knits and tips. Well, I also went around doing what Phoebe started with... :) So take your guesses everyone!

#1January 09 KIP

#2January 09 KIP

#3January 09 KIP

#4January 09 KIP

#5January 09 KIP

#6January 09 KIP

#7January 09 KIP

#8January 09 KIP

#9January 09 KIP

I'm not in any of those by the way :P

Oh we had an FO during the KO. It's a preemie hat Susan made.

January 09 KIP

It's cute, isn't it? :)

Ok now, some updates on my wips.... I have another obsession to report about tomorrow you see.

So, my knitting tales lately have been bland. I'm sad to say that my widdershins didn't work, and neither did the Twinkleberry socks that came after that. During the KO, Cindy and I realized I was knitting a Christmas-sized stocking ready for some pressies. (Well ok it's not THAT huge but it will fit diamonds, or about one and a half of my foot.) I still like both the patterns though but I think since my last cursed yarn has been used up, the yarn I'm using for these projects has decided to take the place of the Cursed. I probably will work on these patterns another time with a more fortunate yarn...

The good news is, I have started a new pair of socks. I'm using Green Mountain Madness from CTH and am doing the Oolong socks by Mona Schmidt from TC Fall 08. I will make further reports if all goes well... It looks good so far though, and I enjoy the pattern a lot.


Jackie said...

another happy KO !

OK since the group photo first, it is not diffcult to guess whose hand it belongs to, but even w/o looking atphoto, my guess is correct for # 5....the give-away is that black nail polish.

R a i n said...

Ah I miss KOs so much!

I saw the sackboy pattern in the background!! Yours??