Tuesday, September 25, 2007


I'm done! I'm done!

With Leo

Leo from Knitty
Yarn: Sirdar Denim DK approx 8 balls
Knitted with Addi Turbos

The introduction to the pattern at knitty fitted my search requirements (i.e. no funky cables, no multi-colored work, not too thick, no horizontal stripes etc.) and when I had the Ok, I immediately picked up the needles to cast this on. So many of you know how I am with my UFOs, and so many of you know this project via this blog too (especially Cindy who was there on the very day I bought the yarn years ago! December 2004 - YIKES. lol!) I just want to thank everyone for cheering me on, YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE! :D

thank you thank you thank you!

finally i can tag this with an FO! w00t!

Monday, September 24, 2007

just a short one

because i want to tell you that i have n00bs at the stash...

first up possum's arrived. (yayy!)

then some cotton novia

and some miami.

ok no more yarn buying for now.

About the Leo. I've finished knitting the pieces and have seamed them except for sides of the sleeves. I'm going to do that tomorrow i guess. Then I have to do the neckline. :) I really don't want to rush but if I finish this by friday that would be great. *crosses fingers and toes*

Friday, September 21, 2007


Ok no pictures today but for some of you who know me, you know this sweater project has been hanging around for far too long.

Well. I've finished knitting:
The Back
The Front
The Left Sleeve
The Right Sleeve

All i need is to weave in the ends and seam the whole thing! yayy!!

AS called me all of a sudden. Talk about good timing. He's gone over the JKT for the last weekend there. Maybe if I can figure out how to seam these things properly by next week, he might have a chance to see the whole piece on Friday! Whee~~

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


I haven't been diligent in blogging about the progress of the Leo at all... But yesterday I finally reached the beginning of the sleeve cap and I thought it's about time~!

Here are the sleeves in progress!

Sleeeeves, them both

I can't wait to get the sleeve caps done... Although I have a lot to read and write, I am keeping my fingers crossed. I think I should be able to finish the pieces before AS comes back. But whether I can seam them together and THEN do the neck edging too remains a question. I'd need more hours (like about 48 per day?).