Tuesday, October 23, 2007


:) the package finally arrived on thusday!

Gifts from SP11!

We were a little worried about the package since it took a little while. I guess the public holiday before that didn't help either. But the package was a wonderful surprise and filled with lotsa goodies for me and my pups! Millie and Mollie were not forgotten and had some treats there. I have a very beautiful coton yarn Catania, in a very light gray. That's absolutely great since my stash (if you have seen it) is generally purple and blue. (same joke about my wardrobe sometime back) HAHAHA. I tried the gummies yesterday (they are half gone now) and these are SO Sour! reminds me of the Sour Lemon candy I used to eat when I was a kid. And there's a nice purple photo frame plus, a box with nice and simple stitch markers! (hmm i wonder if my SP made them)

Here's another look at the yarn


Thank You SP! :)


Anonymous said...

You're very welcome. I'm so glad that you liked everything. Yes I did make those stitchmarkers, but really it was nothing. I mentioned it in the email.

Hope you enjoy knitting with the yarn.

Take care

Anonymous said...

whoa that's a nice package! Have fun knitting with Catania. I love it!

Anonymous said...

Oh yummy - that's a goodie package indeed ;) I've knit with Schachenmayr Catania before and enjoyed it big time - I know you're going to love it too!

R a i n said...

Ooo good load of yarn! Nice package you got there.

I've never used Catania before. Is it nice?