Saturday, June 27, 2009

Dear Ayumi....

Please knit faster... I don't think I have much space for your yarns that 'are not really stash' anymore. Didn't you just read that as long as they take up space, they are considered stash? And also, if the yarn is a gift, it will still end up as stash no?

Please knit faster... I'm holding up but I'm not sure how much longer...

Your Yarn Shelf


Susan said...

Dear Yarn Shelf,

You don't seem sufficiently impressed with the honor that has been bestowed upon you. You are the Keeper of the Stash! Is there a greater honor on the planet? Possibly not. With each new addition to the Stash, you should feel your honor growning (not your shelf groaning.)

Hang in there!

R a i n said...

Hahahah lol LOL! What a dilemma!

How's Mang btw?

ellie-san said...

hee u also put up the poupee's cute!
Yarn shelf ganbatte~